The three cities pictured are San Francisco, New Orleans, and Chattanooga, all of which I have ties to in different ways.

About Me

I am a humanist who hopes for a better future and believes that technology can empower us to create that future.

I first became interested in programming when I worked with a developer to create a program that helps self-representing clients fill out legal forms. I then found that programming and technology can help us eliminate redundant processes (such as when I automated the sign in and data collection systems at the Pro Bono Project) and enable us to focus more on creative and complex tasks.

I am aspiring to become a valuable resource as a software engineer at a mission-driven company.

My Projects

Click on each picture more information about each project!
Or scroll below to see my skills and resume.

In my projects, I aim to create a product that will make the end-users’ lives easier. I also aim to write reusable, easily-readable code to ensure that the product will be maintainable by developers.

My Skills

Languages & IDEs
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Python
  • Swift, Xcode
  • SPSS
  • Java, Eclipse
Frameworks & Libraries
  • Node JS
  • Express JS
  • React JS
  • Flask
  • Django
  • Bootstrap JS & CSS
  • Bulma CSS
Text Editors
  • VS Code
  • Sublime
Deployment & Management
  • Heroku
  • Git & Github
  • CLI
  • AWS
  • SQLite
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLAlchemy
  • MongoDB

Reach out!

Send me an email